
Undergraduate Research

Undergraduates interested in plant ecology, evolution, and the California flora may be a good fit for the lab. To succeed you will need enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to push yourself intellectually. Research possibilities include joining an ongoing study or developing your own research project. Emphasis will be placed on learning to communicate scientific ideas, and you will be encouraged to present posters, give oral presentations, and co-author papers.

To apply, send an email with a descriptive subject line (e.g. Undergrad research inquiry) with a short paragraph about why you are interested in doing research in the lab, your resume/CV, and unofficial transcript to dgrossen[at]calpoly.edu

Masters Research

Masters training will emphasize learning to identify important scientific questions at the interface of ecology and evolution, and to develop testable hypotheses. You will be expected to conduct ambitious research that will generally include some combination of fieldwork, experiments, and comparative analyses.

Although I have a wealth of ideas for master’s projects stemming from my own research in Mimulus (Phrymaceae), I love all aspects of plant diversity and would enjoy mentoring students working on other topics and taxonomic groups provided there is overlap with my own core scientific questions.

To apply, send an email with a descriptive subject line (e.g. Masters research inquiry) describing why you are interested in doing research in the lab, your resume/CV, and unofficial transcript to dgrossen[at]calpoly.edu. Ideally you will contact me by early September so that I can help you prepare an NSF GRFP application.

See here for CalPoly admissions deadlines and procedures.